How we see ourself is conditionned by the images around: the images reflect in we reinforce in our mind societies values.
Game: take photos of the world arrond you ( pub, pictures, places things events... but not real people) on the theme of contrast.
Ugly: Beautiful
Weak: Stong
Dumb: Smart/ Bright/ Clever/ Intelligent...
Nasty: Nice
Ill: Healthy
Bad: Good
Quiet: Loud
Put this images on your blogs with comments.
We often think in terms of opposites, like "ugly" versus "beautiful". Beauty is perhaps in the eye beholder, but advertisers reinforce our simplistic-binary vision of the world, two conditions our way of seeing things; we hand up thinking on steriotipes.
Should we not nuance our vision of things? Are people just "ugly" or "beautiful"?Our way of seeing others can be destructive of others...When looking at a portrait or someone's self-portrait, go beyond juging a person by their appearence, who they are is more important than what they look like. Ask yourself's: what can I learn from a person's appearence; how is his /her life, his/her feelings "written" on his/her face?